Sunday Blue Laws
Originally posted on my Tumblr
I live in the state of Indiana. This is one of those places that's got a few remote areas of sensibility in a vast sea of unbelievable idiocy. One such thing that I've seen my entire life is the concept of the Sunday Blue Law. This is a law, or series of laws, that dictate whether or not certain businesses can be open, or if certain products can or cannot be sold on Sunday. The one common thing that is found in SBL's is a prohibition on the sale of alcoholic beverages, which is something that is the law in Indiana.
No wine for you!

(Photo: Craig Hatfield)
Perhaps it's my proximity to Illinois that has made this an issue for me; there is no logic to the law as it really won't keep someone from getting a drink on Sunday. All it takes is a quick road trip across the border and you're on your way to happy liquor purchase time.
Any given Sunday at the Illinois/Indiana border.

(Photo: David Shankbone)
How is it that we still have these archaic laws? I mean, if you don't want to buy a 12-pack of Bud on a Sunday, don't! No one is going to put a gun to your head and make you buy it. Of course, the reason for these laws is the usual tripe of some uptight moralist way back when convincing the unwashed masses that boozing on Sunday was a one-way ticket to the bad place.
The residents insist it's not really a bad place to be...

(Photo: Sswonk)
That may have been a convincing argument back in 1913, but in 2013...well, I guess it would depend on the person. I know that there's been a push for many years to get these laws to go away. The main reason, other that the obvious case of legislating morality, is about tax dollars. There's a lot of money to be made by thirsty sports fans who want to enjoy the Colts (or Bears) game, or to hope that IU isn't going to suck again.
For me, it's that constant irritant of legislating morality. I don't drink very much, or very often anymore.
You know, just one glass a day....

(Photo: windra, via
My bitch is that if I happen to be out of wine that day, or needing to buy some more as I may have guests coming, or whatever reason pops up that I would need to buy booze on a Sunday, I should be able to. The law is little more than some moralistic control device made up by people who are, by now, dead. They are beyond giving a shit who is drinking on what day. The living ones should be more concern with their own houses, and let me get my booze if I have to.
The fight is still ongoing in my state to kill the blue law. Until then, I will see this sign in the stores and be reminded that there are still assholes out there that think it's wrong for someone to get booze on Sunday.
I see this every-damned-Sunday.

(Photo: Nerikull Murakami)
By the way, there are still 'dry' counties in this state. Again, senseless, as you can just drive across the line to the wet county with a liquor store just waiting for your money...unless it's Sunday, and you're not near the state line to a state with no SBL. Then, you're screwed.
"I really need to move to this county, Earl..."

(Photo: David Shankbone)
--Nerikull Murakami
{Photos used under CCL and credit given when known.}
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