Binary Thought Patterns: Patriotism 2019
15 July 2019
Recently, a series of tweets from the President caused a stir owing to the racially-charged tone in the wording. In a nutshell, he whined about how some female Congresspersons didn't like him, and he suggested that they "go back to [where-ever] they came from". This is shocking, even from a man with a long track record of controversial utterances and terrible tweets.
Protip: Most of them were born here in the U.S.A.
I know I'm not the only one to hear stories of people using a similar phrase against anyone who doesn't look Wonder-bread white. I've heard stories of Native Americans having people say that to them, which shows that a large number of racists are idiots.
This brings me to the Patriotism angle. It's not enough that people are still being told to "go back where [they] come from"; there is another phrase that I've seen and heard, and it's been said to me as well. Yeah, just another white guy being told this by others who are likely white.
What is this phrase, you ask? "If you don't love this country, then leave!" (and variances of the phrase).
So, my stating of opposition to the President (who I voted against), or to bad laws and policies that hurt the average Citizen is un-patriotic? This is hating the country?
It's Patriotism
It's Patriotism
Do I really need to state the sarcasm here?
Whenever someone throws out some "love it or leave it" statement, I reply that I love my country enough to stay and do what I can to change what I believe is wrong, and do so within the law. This isn't a matter of revolution or overthrow, it's a matter of getting people in Government who will do the right thing, and remember that they serve the Constitution, and the Citizens of the United States. Suggesting that healthcare is a Human Right is not un-American. Suggesting that the rich and all corporations/companies pay their fair share of taxes is not un-American. Voting for someone who isn't a complete idiot who constantly embarrasses the Nation by opening his mouth is not un-American. To me, it's Patriotic.
Being a Patriot is not about waving the flag and blindly following the leader(s) off a cliff should they be going in that direction. Patriotism is not just God, Mom, and apple pie. It is often shown in opposition to what large segments of the Public find acceptable.
'nuff said?
Through our history, there have been many reasons people have used to justify saying "If you don't like it, then leave the country", from religious affiliation to sexual identity. These days, it's all about not following the right -ism. It's Capitalism or nothing. Religion is still much the same, as are many other things that are seen through the filter of a Binary Thought process. If anyone strays from this construct, they will be touted as an enemy of [insert cause/nation/political party/etc here].
Life rarely has absolutes. Between the bookends are variations and shades. I'm going to keep looking into that space between before I throw out some absolutism like those on the far extremes like to do. If this makes me a bad American, so be it. In this, I know who I am, and where I stand.
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