Communication Observation
Orginally posted to my Tumblr
I'm certain that a good many people have seen the image of the letter to an English Teacher.
My inner Language-Nazi was crying.

[Source: Reddit. (Author Unknown)]
I'll be the first to admit that I've not perfected my ability to use proper English all the time. I fall victim to laziness and regional eccentricities. My efforts to proofread won't always find every mistake. It's like my own attempts to correct mistakes are filtered thru a cell phone spellchecker.
It makes you wonder about who programmed the iPhone autocorrect...

[Source: ; Submitted by "Daniel"]
When I read that letter, it brought home two things: that English is still an insane language, and that fewer people seem able to communicate in English. By that, I'm referring to "native speakers". If ever I needed evidence for this, I need only go to any social media website. One of my nephews is a great example. He's a nice guy and all, but trying to converse with him over the internet requires a great deal of patience and a certain degree of cryptological skill.
I get this look on my face far too often...

To be fair, I'm certain there are a lot of people that may have conditions that affect their ability to translate thought to written (or typed) words. Perhaps another reason for this explosion of horrid usage could be linked to the rise in text communication online. Whether it's mobile texting, twitter posts, or just chatting via IRC (they still do that, right?), the tendency to truncate words and gravitate toward phonetic re-structuring of words becomes the the norm in a reality that is pushing for ever-faster reactions.
I couldn't find an image to make this point, so here's a Swede with a falukorv on his head...

[Source: (Creator Unknown, still from "Regular Ordinary Swedish Meal Time")]
I'm not sure if it's due to my age, or to my education through the 1970's and 1980's, but I fail to understand how this generation is unable to take a little effort to make themselves understandable.
Within the realm of video gaming, specifically Massive Multi-player Online Role Playing Games, the rampant use of "leet speak" led me to decline many groups and challenges to duel. I'm not keen on getting deep in an dungeon or some manner of Boss Fight only to have someone suddenly spout off something that looks like raw code.
I think he just said "I'm low on mana"...

[Source: (Author Unknown]
Again, it may just be my being a grumpy, middle aged language nazi. I'm just wondering if other young folks are able to understand what you are saying to each other. I suppose they do, as I see it everywhere. This may well be a new evolution of the language, or something akin to that. I fear that I'm going to be left behind with others like myself who still try to communicate in English. (Fine, American dialect of the English Language.)
Damn you, Americans! It's C-O-L-O-U-R!

[Source: (Author Unknown)]
--Nerikull Murakami
{Photos used under CCL and credit given when known.}
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