Not that I'm Obsessed with Computers, or anything...
In 2016, at age 47, I started college for the first time. The only reason for this is that these days, getting a job at a living wage demands a degree. I know why it’s that way now, though I’m still not convinced that it’s a necessity. When I was working at AT&T, I was doing a job that I’m certain would require a BS in computers and/or engineering, of which I had neither. I still learned the job, and did it damned well.
So, after months of “Thank you, but you don’t meet our requirements”, I went in and started courses thru a local community college. This is probably the best thing, as I don’t have to follow anyone’s schedule but my own.
One thing that has come from this is my introduction to something called a Virtual Machine.
So, after months of “Thank you, but you don’t meet our requirements”, I went in and started courses thru a local community college. This is probably the best thing, as I don’t have to follow anyone’s schedule but my own.
One thing that has come from this is my introduction to something called a Virtual Machine.
This will not end well…

(Source: (Creator not found)
At first, I only had what was asked of me, using Oracle’s VirtualBox. This was due to vmware having a limited free version, and the full version costing more than I can afford.
It’s a good thing that I like mac-n-cheese…

(Source: (Creator not found)
It was also my first foray into the world of Linux. We were asked to install Ubuntu and Windows 7 as VM’s. Thankfully, the college provided us the Windows that we needed. Needless to say, with my habit of slightly impulsive behavior, I think you may know what happened next…
I just wanted a few VM’s…really.

(Source: Nerikull Murakami)
I think it’s clear that I rather enjoyed having the ability to access a ton of old Windows versions, recent and new versions of Windows, and Linux, Linux everywhere. Only thing that I’m not too thrilled with is that with VM’s come limitations. In that, I mean that I’ve a ton of old games and programs that I would love to use again, but I can’t.
This isn’t bad. You should see me working on my spouse’s laptop…

(Source: ShutterStock)
Well, I do what I can. I don’t really play games very much anymore, so it’s nice to have something to fall back on just to keep my memory and skills sharp.
Y’damned kids and your GUI’s and graphics…

(Source: Nerikull Murakami)
Granted, I think most of the old Windows versions are there just for me to go down memory lane from time to time, rather than have any type of practicality.
Guess who couldn’t find his old Windows 95 disks?

(Source: Nerikull Murakami)
As you can see, I’ve….been using Windows for a LONG time. That is, until this year.
Earlier in 2017, I was thrown into the world of Linux due to the requirements of a class or two. Now, I had heard of Linux before, usually either Red Hat or Fedora, and later I had heard about this Ubuntu thing. I tell ya, that was a kind of culture shock for me.
It must have been the GUI…

(Source: Nerikull Murakami)
After a couple weeks of trying to cope with this, I sought out other versions of Linux.
Of course, it would HAVE to be Fedora…

(Source: Nerikull Murakami)
Yeaaaah, that didn’t go as I had planned. I was hoping to find something that was Linux, but had a more familiar Windows feel to it. Needless to say, I wasn’t disappointed.
Linux, Linux everwhere, and they bear a resemblance to Windows.

(Source: Nerikull Murakami)
I think I mentioned that I’ve a habit of impulsiveness, yes? Well, there’s the end result.
Anyhoo…this first year of college has been interesting and eye-opening. I just hope the degree and certifications will land me some kind of employment.
--Nerikull Murakami
(Photos used under CCL and credit given when known)
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