Forever Changed

 Prose written 31 Jan 2021
Forgive the formatting. This is just how I see it. 

Forever Changed


I think back to past decades,
like so many others as we age.
These memories are some of the
only bits of happiness I have left

Bring up the present day
and the world is barely as I knew it.
Nothing but swaths of bad news
they tore down the playground to not get sued

Is it any wonder that so many
of us are losing our senses
our grip on reality becomes more
tenuous every single day.

We had hope that the days
of innocence would last forever
in our youthful ignorance, we
could be forgiven that view.

Until we saw the truth of darkness
hiding in plain sight. Sadly, so many
chose to ignore this and keep propagating
obvious bullshit to the point they believe it.

Is it any wonder that so many
of us are losing our senses
our grip on reality becomes more
tenuous every single day.

Change is inevitable
We can make it positive or negative
The World is forever changed
We have the power to shape it…
…in which way?

Never had to have my play time
scheduled. Never micro-managed
just leave my house and go to yours
knock on the door. “Hey, can Joe come out and play?”

Social media was talking face to face
if you had something to say to someone.
Phones weren’t mobile, had to be there to call.
We didn’t get ourselves butthurt and triggered in a hot second.

A mindset in binary can’t understand the shades of gray.
Cancel Culture further widening the chasm.
Intelligent discourse reduced to with or against me.
That hashtag changes nothing save to add to apathy.

“They’re trying to take our freedoms!” The clarion
call of the orthodoxy within the groups we have created.
We no longer need laws to segregate people
because we are doing it to ourselves!

Is it any wonder that so many
of us are losing our senses
our grip on reality becomes more
tenuous every single day.

Change is inevitable
We can make it positive or negative
The World is forever changed
We have the power to shape it…
…in which way?

Are we not all Humans?
Were I to list all I see that is negative
this would go on for
a few hundred pages.


(C) 2021 Scott Hickok


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