Easily Entertained: "Religious" protests.
I admit, it takes little to entertain me. I mean, I watched a field mouse walk back and forth in a motel room one time, and thought it was awesome.
My history with religion and people I would eventually call "religionists" goes back to childhood. My family was a mixed bag of Christianity, and the only time we went to church was for weddings and funerals. My first exposure to "God" was from my Mom, who condensed it to a benevolent, loving being. Full stop. No wrath, no hellfire, none of that. Of course, when you're 3 or 4 years old, you're not going to really understand much more about religion than what you are told. We were not a religious family, and I started to develop a snarky attitude about religion. When I was about 7 or 8, the other kids on our street and I were walking home after getting off the bus. There were some adults walking along, and one asked me "Say, if you died today, do you know where you would go?" I didn't even blink as I said "The graveyard, where else?" We kids giggled and walked on as the guy stood there for a moment, stunned. He tried to get me back so he could try to explain, but thankfully my Mom was in the front yard, and the adults didn't come any closer. She had already talked to them, and I'm guessing she put the fear of Her into them.
Skipping ahead in life, I have had instances where I have seen and had words with religionists. What gets me is how completely batshit many of them are.
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I mean, the right to "bare arms" is sacred, right? |
I remember walking from the Metra station in downtown Chicago to my workplace, and seeing an a protest against same-sex marriage in progress. Two young guys were unfurling a banner that said something about Adam and Steve, and I just started to laugh. When they asked why I was giggling, I said "Oh, it's just that I realized the Pharisees are alive and well." They stared at me, as if unable to understand my reference. This is something I notice with batshit-crazy religionists; they only follow the Bible parts that they like. That, and they are often not the brightest bulbs in the package.
The best thing about them, though, are the signs. Oh, these mooks really love signs and banners! As you've seen earlier, they will plaster their gibberish all over their vehicles, as if that will get people to take them seriously.
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Line 3 written by the Hulk, I think... |
They will gather wherever they believe massive sin and blasphemy will take place. I hear of Slayer concerts getting a few kooks who yell at the fans heading into the venues. About a week before the Pride Parade, there will be a group of them shouting into a megaphone up on Halsted to anyone that will bother to listen. I had an incident when I was delivering cars to a used car dealer, and I got caught by a red light; looked over at the screaming Mimi's and shook my head. One woman saw this and came running as fast as her rotund figure would allow, and she was screaming...something. I couldn't understand it because her voice was just screeching like a black metal vocalist from 1993. I drove off, laughing.
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Someone really likes apostrophes. |
The current President stated that he loves the poorly educated, and I can see why. The people who believe this narrow and nonsensical interpretation of should be a loving, accepting faith are fairly gullible, and lacking any form of critical thought. To them, ever thing is A or Z, and they do not wish to see anything between that. It's a binary thought process that dictates this lunacy.
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...Devil healers? |
So, I'm sure I'm not the only one who has a lot of fun when we encounter these people. Whether it's a personal encounter, or responding to a photo on Facebook, Pinterest, etc., it's great fun to intelligently deconstruct their "arguments" with fact, or with the Bible itself. That book is so self-contradicting, it makes countering the nuts all the more fun.
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It's like Bingo, in a way. How many of these have I done? |
In a way, I pity them. They are so wrapped up in this delusional little reality they have, and their "light" is blinding them to how insane this appears to rational people. I suspect that many of them were home-schooled, and the schooling was less about the three R's, and more about select parts of the Bible that supports their delusion. I can't hate these people for being crazy, I can only pity them and get a bit of a giggle from the signs and words they spout. If there is a Hell, well, I'm going to have a lot of company.
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Ave... |
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