I refuse...

It's been a few years since I have gone to any gatherings of the furry fandom. This is for a single reason: lack of money. It's not easy to go to conventions, or even local meets when you're trying to keep bills paid. This aside, I keep tabs on some of the goings-on through social media, and the last year and a half has been a horror-show.

We have heard the stories, we have seen the end of some conventions, we have cringed and wondered what the hell is going on. Social media became a war zone and a venue to attack anyone who doesn't see things the "correct" way. Attack, counter-attack, point fingers, call names, provide sketchy evidence if there is any at all, risk the wrath of others if you step up to mic, as it were.

What have we, as a fandom, become? Elitists? This is the same shit that hit punk rock back in the late 1970's and 1980's.
"Badmouth people we don't know
Make sure it's behind their backs
Don't let new people in our scene
It's more fun than having a friend 
We'll slag everyone each and every night
So we can pretend that we're all right
Make those pricks feel just so small
We'll show the world that we're three feet tall 

Slander their integrity

Doubt their humanity
Talk about their haircuts
Are their politics correct? and 
Do the Slag-Look at 'em run 
Do the Slag-Hey you scum 
Do the Slag-Ain't it fun 
Do the Slag-Let's all be dumb"
--Dead Kennedy's, "Do The Slag", Bedtime for Democracy (1986)

Let that sink in for a moment. This is something that was talked and sung about decades ago, and it's still happening. I keep seeing furries saying that they don't want to go to conventions or meets anymore because, in their view, things have become so toxic. Calling someone a "popufur" has now become a derisive label. Have a fursuit? You're stuck-up and elitist. Have a dog or cat fursona? Basic!! Say things that might be taken as x-phobic? Nazi! Still friends with that person? Nazi sympathizer! On and on, the cycle goes and grows like a cancer. 
It isn't only the sludge-pit of anti-social media that has hurt us. Our actions haven't helped at all. The lack of foresight and thought-before-action has led to the closing of several conventions in recent times, and it comes back to the saying "One bad apple spoils the bunch." It is the actions of a small number of people combined with ineffective administration of the staff and leadership that brings this about. RainFurrest would still exist had the staff took immediate action to mitigate its downfall. The 2018 Furry Weekend Atlanta had the "sex" in the hallway incident. Uncle Kage has often stated that convention staff and chairpersons don't like to, and don't want to ban anyone from a convention; the situation is what dictates the action.

Now, Biggest Little FurCon had an incident where two "adult" furries (a term I'm using loosely) thought it correct to bully a 10-year old girl for her fursuit. A 10-year-old, for the horrific crime of wearing a partial that didn't meet the standards of two morons. Who the hell does this?
Thankfully, the BLFC staff acted quickly, pulled the badges of the offenders and banned them, and the fandom reached out to the girl and her Mom with offers of art and fursuits. One has even set up a crowdsourcing to pay for the girl to return to BLFC next year.

This is the fandom I know and love. This is the fandom that sprang into action to help Fernando's, though it closed eventually. This is the fandom I fell in love with so very long ago.

I refuse to let the few bad apples keep me from having a good time at a meet or convention. I refuse to allow anyone on Twitter, Facebook, or any other digital platform to get to me with their hollow insults and hurtful words. I'm closing in on 50, and I really have to f's to give about some young idiot telling me to DIAF, or calling me a Nazi for still associating with 2 Gryphon and Uncle Kage. I refuse to worry about what anyone thinks about me for having a chat with Telephone, or anyone else who is referred to as "popufur." I refuse to jump on the shit-storm bandwagon when someone starts bagging on someone who is struggling daily to just keep stable due to mental or emotional problems.

Above all, I refuse to let the negative few push me away from something I have loved for most of my 49 years of life. I have been a furry long before I knew there was a fandom. I grew up with the cartoons, the commercials featuring animals, Disney, and so forth. I have had a great time when I went to conventions, whether furry or anime, and I mean to keep that fun going. I suit up and pass out candy at Halloween to the delight of (most) kids and adults alike, and the feeling from that is immeasurable. I know there are far more furries that feel this way than not. I'm hoping that this outpouring of support at BLFC is a resurgence of what we, as a fandom, really are.

We are fans of art, stories, cartoons, animals, and all things fuzzy.
We are creating a world of our own, and celebrating in this.
We welcome those who wish to revel in this beauty and creativity.

We are furries. Let's refuse to forget why.

--Nerikull Murakami.  


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