Coming soon: Reviewing Star Trek (The Original Series)

I'm a fan of Star Trek. Ever since I first watched the syndicated re-runs as a kid, I was a die-hard fan of the original series, and those that followed.

 Yes, I've watched them all...

I have been enjoying talking about (and riffing on) the episodes through these series, mostly focused on the Original Series. There are many reasons for the MST3K treatment, though it's rarely done in disrespect. Let's face it; the original holds much nostalgia, but there are a lot of things that leave us wondering what the writers were thinking at the time. 

For this reason, and inspired by the great people of the Twitter group #AllStarTrek, I'm going to write a series of reviews based on the good, bad, ugly, and sheet WTF factors of each episode.

Let's hope that I can pull this off!!

--Lt. Nerikull Murakami

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